Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Sky's The Limit

You are an airplane. Life is your sky. You start your journey to your destination sitting on the tarmac anxiously awaiting the take off procedures before flying off to your next destination. Make sure you stay buckled in just in case there is turbulence. Do not take it off or let your guard down until you feel it is safe to do so. The life air traffic controller waves his illuminated orange sticks signaling that it is okay for you to proceed. You begin your taxi to the runway. As you do, you look out the window and watch other planes land and take off. People returning from or heading to their destination. What did they experience? What made them decide to go? What made them decide to come back? With your baggage tucked safely into its proper place, you reach the point of no return. You take a deep breath, look ahead at the open sky ahead of you, and you hit the gas. You start slowly and as the runway unfolds before you, you pick up speed to ensure you will be able to leave the safety of the ground and end up in the clouds. Once you get into the sky, you wait while things start to even out. Your plane is adjusting to the new altitude and the new position you are in. You ascend higher and higher and get the courage to look out the window at the ground. You see where you have been and watch it slowly become smaller and smaller as you fly further into the vastness of the sky toward your destination. You breathe a sigh of relief as you continue forward. You are on your way. You left the comfort and stability of the solid ground to enter the unstable atmosphere. But you knew that in order to get to where you want to be, you had to get on that plane. You had to trust that the pilot (that is you) knew what he was doing. That's right. Welcome to YOU Airlines. You are the pilot, co-pilot, passenger and technician. You are a complete working airline. You put in the coordinates of where you would like to land and then you sit back and enjoy the ride. Of course, at times you will experience turbulence. Your plane will shake and lose altitude at points. You will be told to hold on and just remain calm. So you do. That's all you can do. But you know that it will all be over soon. You grip your hand rest and close your eyes. You pray. You listen to music. You do breathing exercises. Anything to get you through the uncertain situation you are experiencing. And then, just as soon as it began, it ends. You have maneuvered safely through the storm. On the other side is nothing but clear sky. You continue forward, sights set on where you want to end up. On the adventure that awaits on the other side of this journey. As you begin to come closer to where you are planning to land, the tower starts to communicate your next steps. You prepare for landing and anticipate what will be waiting for you. Your vision from the sky goes from everything being small unreachable to detail oriented. In front of you is a new runway. You line up your plane best you can and start to descend toward to ground. You take a breath and put your landing gear down. 3...2...1....we have touchdown. You glide down the runway until you taxi up to your destination. You made it. You hit turbulence, you were scared and unsure at times, you observed everything you knew grow further out of focus. But you made it. You safely brought your plane to a stop. Now, you will disembark to begin your adventure. You will grab your bags and start making new memories. Then, you will board your plane and take off once again into the sky. Soaring over new places and landscapes and views. With each trip, you learn more about yourself and your skills. So, never be afraid to leave the ground to take off into places unknown. The sky is the limit. Remember, the only way you can fly is to leave the ground. Welcome to YOU Airlines. I hope you always enjoy your flight. 

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