Monday, November 6, 2017

Life Turned Inside Out

Since I have been sick the past week (which is why I haven't really posted in a sincerest apologies), I have watched so many movies. Some I have never seen, others I have seen numerous times. One of the movies I re-watched was "Inside Out". For those of you who aren't certain what this movie is, it is an amazing depiction of emotions through the eyes of Disney/Pixar. In the movie are the emotions of Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust. I won't give away the movie for those of you who haven't seen it, (which you really need to) but I will just make a few short points about what I learned watching the movie again and paying closer attention to the meaning behind it:

*When you let sadness take over, it can control everything else. But sometimes, it's okay to be sad. That's when you find who loves and cares about you the most. Being sad isn't a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength, because the truth of the matter is, it takes a lot of courage to be vulnerable and even more courage to walk through the sadness and emerge on the other side. Remember that. You are not weak, you are a warrior. 

*When you let anger, fear and disgust take can destroy your life. Or derail your normal train of thought. By allowing these emotions to lead your thinking, your proper mindset is being controlled by something other than yourself. Never let yourself be out of control. If you allow anger or fear or disgust to take over your mind and your cognitive thinking, you will do things that are irrational or even not do anything at all. Both can be detrimental to your well being. None of these things will get you to where you want to be. Think about it. 

*When you lose your happiness, you lose yourself. So many times we let happiness slip away from us. By doing so, we find ourselves in a place we don't want to be. We no longer know who we are or what our purpose is. We scramble to grab onto anything that will take the place of happiness: money, relationships, possessions etc. The truth is, happiness isn't something tangible. It is something you feel. Something you experience. It is in your heart. The people and things you love the most are a feeling. Your success and who you are as a person is a feeling you become aware of. As long as you experience them in your heart, you never lose your happiness. Be happy first. Everything else is secondary. 

*A memory is a very powerful thing .And each one makes us who we are. And can become whatever we make it to be. Every moment. Each are making memories. They will be recorded in your mind as good, bad, memorable or forgettable. These moments are our past. They are our story. They are the things that build us and grow us into the people we are meant to be. Be aware of these moments. And never take them for granted. Every moment is a chance to make a memory. 

*You can always rebuild what's important to you. This one may seem impossible or untrue to some. However, it isn't. If something or someone is important to you, like...super important, you can always rebuild what is broken. If it means a lot to you, it is worth the risk. You always have the tools to rebuild your life or a relationship or business or a dream. They are with you all along. But be careful, those same tools can be used to tear down or destroy the same things. It is all in how you use them. Nothing is truly ever broken. There is always a way to mend or repair. It all depends on how much work you are willing to put in and how humble you are. If it is important to you and in your heart, then it is worth saving and rebuilding. Some of the longest lasting things come from building on a stronger foundation. 

This movie always makes me take a look at myself and how I am handling the emotions in my life. Is there an area of my life where I can be better or where I can work on a relationship? Am I letting the wrong feelings get the best of me while pushing aside the right ones? I believe that we are all the masters of our own emotions. And if we know how they work, how they truly work, no one else can ever take them over. We just have to know ourselves inside out.

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