Thursday, November 23, 2017

No Matter How You Cut The Turkey...

First and foremost, HAPPY THANKSGIVING Y'ALL!! I hope everyone has spent their day in the presence of family, friends and loved ones. I know that at times it is hard to find the things to be thankful for. Life happens. Things get in the way of our plan for happiness. Obstacles pop up on our road to success. We ride that boat all the way to our preferred destination only to step off the Mayflower in our fancy buckled shoes onto sinking ground. Trust me, I know what it is like to sit around the table as each person begins telling what they are thankful for and having to mentally prepare and rehearse an answer so I don't sound completely ungrateful. But no matter how you cut the turkey, there is always something to be thankful for. That is after all what Thanksgiving is all about; giving thanks, thanks for giving, thanks giving, There are times when I have to take a look around and notice how blessed I really am. I woke up this morning. I was able to listen to music while I put on clothes in my condo that I am able to pay for. I walked into the living room on my legs and feet to sit down and watch the Macy's Day Parade and National Dog Show with my eyes. I then was able to get in a car and go to my best friend's family's house for a home cooked meal and socialization. It is all about perspectives. Some people or their loved ones didn't wake up this morning. There are those who cannot hear or see no matter how badly they want to. Some are unable to walk or use their arms. Many people don't have a roof over their head or clean clothes to change into each day. Others have no mode of transportation or food readily available. Some people have no family or friends to spend holidays with. So yeah, I may have inconveniences, but I don't have impossibilities. I count myself extremely blessed. Not lucky, blessed. Sure, things bother me. Things frustrate me. Things don't go my way. I have hardships and days things go completely wrong and stress fills my life more often than not, but man....I am really blessed when you get down to the cranberries and gravy of it all. I take it for granted a lot. I know I do. I will be the first to admit that I definitely take a lot of things for granted in my life. It isn't until I step back and look at the big picture that I start to really see. You can look at things all you want, but until you actually see what is happening, you aren't taking it all in. You can hear things, but until you listen you aren't absorbing it. Thanksgiving is a day for thanks, yes. But remember, there are 364 other days where thanks should be given as well. Not only thanks, but giving. There are so many people who are less fortunate than we are. For us to truly understand the meaning of gratitude, we need to understand what it means to have nothing. I have given small snacks and what little money I have to homeless human beings quite a few times. I am not saying that to be all high and mighty, I am saying that because they are some of the most grateful people you will ever meet. And at times I found myself selfish. "If I give them a dollar then I will only have this much now"...seriously? That dollar to them is like a hundred to me. That small bag of chips to them is like a buffet to me. I have even tried to give money to someone before and she turned it down saying all she wanted was someone to talk to. So I did. For nearly an hour outside of a 7-11 here in Orlando. I was I take so much for granted. I can text any one of my friends at any time and have someone to be there for me. I can walk into a restaurant at any time and get what I want. I can access an ATM and have money at my disposal any moment. When it comes down to it, the less fortunate are just like us. They want to be loved and understood and cared for. Take every opportunity to use your thanks for giving. Use your giving for thanks. Because the truth of the matter is, Thanksgiving isn't just a holiday, it's a handbook. Keep dishing out kindness and always ask for seconds. 

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